The Ultimate Get-Started Copywriting Course

free copywriting course from IncomeDiary

My good friend Clive Cable and I have released something special at The Ultimate Get-Started Copywriting Course Copywriting – or “salesmanship in print” has always fascinated me. It takes a finely tuned sales brain to write great sales copy. Without that sales edge – the odds are stacked against you. Frankly, you could lose […]


The Inner Dialogue Of A Successful Entrepreneur

success thoughts of entrepreneurs

The Successful Entrepreneur observes their thoughts and inner dialogue… Thoughts can be positive and encouraging or negative and debilitating. That little voice in your head that comments on your life. What is going on in your life and what you are thinking consciously or sub-consciously. These thoughts and inner dialogue determine your identity and who […]


“Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less.”

—Marie Curie