My good friend Clive Cable and I have released something special at
The Ultimate Get-Started Copywriting Course
Copywriting – or “salesmanship in print” has always fascinated me.
It takes a finely tuned sales brain to write great sales copy.
Without that sales edge – the odds are stacked against you.
Frankly, you could lose your shirt!
If you what better copy for your website, blog, print advertising etc – Clive and I have some advice…
Hire a copywriter who has a history of success in commission only sales.
These are people who are focused on results!
We admit we are biased.
We are salespeople – first and foremost.
But then so are all great copywriters!
Look at almost every successful online entrepreneur and you will find a great copywriter by their side.
Find out more about hiring Clive and I here.
Paul Bringe, of “How to Start and Operate a Mail-Order Business” fame says this about being a copywriter.
A great copywriter isn’t in love with words, they are in love with people. All kinds of people, everywhere and anywhere. They are intensely interested in people, watching them closely, listening when they speak, living their bad moments with them and rejoicing in their victories.
The best copywriters are so interested in other people that they forget about themselves, their own needs and wants. After a time they know why others think as they do. And that copywriter recognizes themselves in the other and knows that anything they are capable of doing, good or bad they could do too.
The way to write believable copy is to love people. Know what every living person hates, fears, loves and rejoices in, just as you do. Let everything you write say to your reader, “I understand you, I have been in your shoes, I can help you… please let me try.
We like this explanation.
It sums up our values and approach to copywriting.
Do you want existing copy reviewed?
Web copy? Retail Brochures? Mailing pieces? email?
Contact Us – or call +44 7595 224022
Home Improvements, Direct Sales Companies, Software As A Service Organizations (SaaS) and E-commerce Specialists.
People do things for their reasons, not for your reasons
People BUY things for their reasons, not for your reasons
Initial discussions free and in confidence.
Related: A professional copywriters guide to sales copy ideas and structure